Mr. D’s Art Room Blog:5/12/23
Mr. D’s Art Room Blog:5/12/23
As I write this, we approach the end of the year, especially for seniors. I have a big jumble of feelings every year at this time. I have watched some of these kids grow up in the worst societal trauma since 9/11 and we all have had to make huge adjustments to how life works. I am hugely proud of my students' ability to make life work. I’m sure they don’t know it but I have been drawing strength from them everyday. Their ability to be creative and to have the drive to make is amazing to me. The seniors in my portfolio class are the most creative, exciting kids I have had the pleasure of working with in a long time and I expect great things from them. They are going to change the world. Each of them has the ability to make a living as a Creative. I hope they keep making art as they proceed through their lives and that the small part of their creative journey that began in HHS helps them in the future. I will miss them terribly and I hope that they keep in touch as they make changes in the world here and beyond. I also am full of hope as I see who my students for next year are, So to my seniors please keep in touch and to my students for next year, boy you have big shoes to fill but I believe in you.
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