2022 So Far
Mr.D’s Art Room Report: So Far in 2022 Introduction to Drawing is working on the Object out of place lesson, the first step was for them to begin to understand the ideas of how to look at an object critically. They began this by learning to look at an image and break it down into basic shapes, circles, squares and triangles. No matter how complicated an object is, it can be broken down into these three shapes or a variation of them. Then the class learned about the use of parallel lines to make an object recede into space. Combining these two skills is part of the goal for this project, how to see, how to combine the two skills learned and to create with synthesis of these skills They also learned how to use colored pencils to their fullest potential. Mixed Media is working on a new skill. They have learned how to collage and de-collage pieces and they now are learning to make stencils. Mark ...